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About Us

The Full Story

Have you ever felt like something inside you is screaming for help but you don’t know why?

I kept myself busy and overly occupied for years. I believed that working hard would eventually bring success in the future.

I didn’t know what was keeping me from being happy with myself. I achieved the future I had envisioned; yet, something inside me felt broken.


I've always been diligent with my responsibilities and obligations and I would even over perform at work. I’ve always been there for my friends and loved ones whenever they needed my help or someone to talk to. I had a high paying job, travelled the world, and drove a luxury car. Anyone could say I had my sh*t together, so, why was I still feeling so down?


Feeling broken began to mess with my physical health in ways that doctors could not figure out, even after several health studies. I started to worry that something bad was happening.

At times my anxiety became so strong that I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Those feelings had to go.

Through therapy, patience, and more time to understand myself, I realized I had dedicated all these years to being “the person” that I was expected to be, that I forgot how to treat, pamper, or listen to myself.


My journey towards self-love wasn’t easy, I was not aware of what I needed, let alone that I had become depressed. Trying to be stronger than what I really felt, made me exhausted. All the things that I thought would make me “happy” didn’t matter since I was, unknowingly, not happy with myself.



I realized that mental health isn’t something you only deal with when you are diagnosed with depression, but rather something that requires unconditional love and care every day. Especially, in a world where social media, and the constant comparison between ourselves and our feed, can give us the false impression that we are not enough.


This was the motivation behind the creation of LytSticks. Our mission is to open a new doorway to mental health awareness and to engage your senses and evoke a ritual of self-love and self-care. Our incense will help you break free from mental barriers and social stigmas, so you can reconnect with yourself and cultivate the self-love that you deserve; one LytStick at a time.

Love Yourself Today.

Since 2021 with Love by LytSticks©

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